fredag den 3. februar 2012

One Way or Another; Chapter 2

a One Direction fanfiction

Chapter 2

Bea got home. She walked through the door, laid her bag on the floor and threw herself on the bed. She turned around, put her hands on her stomach and looked up in the celling.
Her cat Spot jumped on the bed and walked over to her while meowing. Bea stroked Spot on the back and closed her eyes.
Her phone began to ring and she jumped up a little too fast to get it.
-“Hallo?” she murmured
-“Bea?” someone said. “Is it you?”
-“Yes, who is this?” Bea answered.
-“It’s me, Louis” He shouted.
Bea rushed up, and walked around not knowing what to do.
-“Louis! Oh my god. How are you?”
He giggled then answered “Well, I’m good, how are you?” then added “missing you a lot”
Automatically a smile showed on Bea’s lips.
-“Miss you too” she whispered “But I’m fine, so what caused the honor?”
-“I really need you. I meet this girl and I really, really badly needs your help”
-“So when shall I come?” she laughed

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